A new winter storm is blowing in.  My orange coat fastens over the belly.  My belly hangs so low that I was scooping up snow with my coat.  My LADY made me a new coat this morning that fastens on my back and should keep me from being the world's smallest snow plow.   We took a test run, and my belly stayed dry, but the scarf needs a trim.  My outfit needs some work, but her first attempt was pretty good.  


When I was adopted, there was concern over my willingness to go to the bathroom outside when it was raining.  Chihuahuas and Dachshunds are known for being not dependable in their housebreaking, especially during bad weather.  These fears have proven to be unfounded, as I excel in going outside.  I also don't let foul weather get me down.   Unlike someone else I know...    



I'm now down to 16.4 pounds.  Today was rainy and I was introduced to my new raincoat.  I don't mind it, but I'm not terribly impressed.  I don't mind the rain-if the grass is not too tall.  The TALL MAN could do a little better in the grass cutting department.  The LADY also took up my raincoat in the front.  I had to get a size medium in order to have it fit in the belly.  I'm working hard to slim down into a size small so my winter coat won't drag the ground.  I don't like having to buy things in the "Husky" section.  Neither does the LADY.